NetworkStation 1000

(Type: 8362-A53)

Linux on the IBM NetworkStation 1000

Tools and patches to run Linux on the IBM NetworkStation 1000 series of thin clients.

IBM NetworkStation 1000


Sorceforge Project

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The aim of this project is to make Linux run on this great NC, to achieve this we are making a kernel patch and also we'll try to provide a full tree with the programs to make this machine able to do all the marvelous things you always wanted to do with it. Right now all of this is nearly done, we are writing this on a NetworkStation 1000 (Type: 8362-A53) running Debian GNU/Linux, and you can even test it if you want.

The IBM NetworkStation 1000 is a Network Computer (NC) based on the PowerPC chip that IBM sold with a closed source NETBSD based distribution which has now became totally obsolete. This is why this project was funded, to replace the original OS, known as NCOS with a free open source alternative, Linux.

We are not providing much info here yet, if you want to search for the info on the current status and solutions to the problems you may be finding, please look in the mailing list archives.


* Moving the mouse when the kernel is loading (when "Linux/PPC load: ..." is being displayed) makes boot fail. Text from the mouse gets displayed.
* Frequencies set on the FB driver are just aproximations, not the exact values.
* XFree86 S3 driver kind of works but most colours are transparent.


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IBM NetworkStation 1000